Getting started with your project
If you need to decommission a section of a pipeline, insert a tee or build a diversion, we have specialist pipe cutting equipment which enables us to carry out circumferential or longitudinal cutting operations, safely, for all polyethene and metallic pipelines up to 72”. We also have the capabilities to perform window cuts, for all your repair and camera inspection works. Window cuts are ideal when you need to effect a new connection onto a newly rehabilitated mainlined with a close-fit polyethene pipe.
Bond and bolt
PES are utilising an innovative technique for bag stop and camera insertion into low-pressure metallic mains, coupled with a standard flow stopping bag.
Benefits of use include:
• Reduction in excavation costs due to less depth and size;
• Reduced reinstatement costs;
• Faster process from mobilising to site to flow stopping;
• Reduced occupation time of the highway;
• Potential to avoid ‘deep excavations’ and a 1 year reduction in defect liability.
Live camera survey
PES can conduct live camera surveys on pipelines from 4 inch to 24 inch.
This is used as a pre-inspection tool to ensure the pipework is clear prior to live insertion of new pipelines.
An Innovative system for live transferring risers onto new mains without interrupting any customers gas supplies.
This system can also be used to cut out sections of pipe and install new valve or carry out repair without interrupting customers.
Benefits include –
No customer interruptions –
Minimised customer disruption –
Reduction in on site time –
Reduction in material –
Reduction in cost –
No risk of GSOS payments –
Minimum reinstatement