Getting started with your project
Whether you need to carry out a planned or emergency operation on your live main, we have the equipment and expertise to provide a fast and efficient drilling offering whatever the diameter or material of your pipeline, with off-takes up to 200 mm for metallic pipes and 150mm for polyethene connections.
If you need to make an emergency repair or effect a new connection to your water or gas pipeline, it is not always possible to carry out the work while the pipeline is under pressure. PES offers a choice of flow stopping techniques for polyethene and metallic pipes up to 24″ (630mm), to enable you to carry out the work required to your pipeline, safely, whilst maintaining continuity of supply.
Low Pressure bagging off on both metallic and PE mains, typically up to 75mbar, 630mm diameter PE and 24” metallic
Our bag stop system is primarily used on gas pipelines operating up to and including 75 millibar (gauge) pressure, for both metallic and polyethene pipes up to 24″ (630mm) in diameter.
Polyethylene Pipe Systems <100 millibar
- Electrofusion saddles fitted to your pipeline
- Bypass constructed and commissioned
- Flow stop system deployed
- Completion plugs and caps fitted
- Multi-way flow stop capabilities
Metallic Pipe Systems, <100 millibar
- Temporary saddles fitted and drilled
- Bypass constructed and commissioned
- Flow stop system deployed
- Non-tap sealing plugs fitted
- Multi-way flow stop capabilities